Sunday, September 6, 2009


It has been observed that mouth has affected many relationships, especiallyu relationships that are at the formative stages are mostly affected by this disturbing factor. There is this tv advertisement in my country, which was showing a couple who could not stomach the odour of her man's mouth.She rebuffed the advancing spouse from kissing her. It is palatable to live with mouth odour.Relationships begins with kissing and also relationships are cemented with very tasty,passionate, and long-lasting kisses.

It can be over emphasized the role of kissing in a relationship, but those who have found themselves with foul odour
are thoroughly not enjoying this essential factor in maintaining a relationship. How do you kiss your spouse good bye or how would welcome him home with a bad breath?
My Advise
my honest advise, please don't take things for granted, it could jeopardize your relationship if you don't something fast. please start applying some mouth wash solutions, they in variety of brands. Wash regularly with them, you could do your mouth washing more than normal evening and morning routine.
But when all these did not work, please consult the medical experts on how best to sort it out.
I wish a healthy relationship with your spouse especially when there is need to kiss.

Prince Vincent

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